Council Policies & Terms Of Reference

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Parish Council Standing Orders

Standing Orders set out the way that the Council should manage the business of the Council from the appointment and management of staff to how public meetings should be run.

Parish Council Code of Conduct

The Code sets out the rules that councillors must observe when acting on behalf of the Council.

Council Risk Management Policy

The procedures for identifying and managing risks to ensure that risks are maintained at an acceptable level.

Parish Council Financial Regulations

The financial regulations govern the conduct of financial management by the Council.

Financial Risk Assessment

Parish Council Social Media & Electronic Communication Policy

The social media policy explains the parish council’s responsibility towards social media and electronic communication.

Parish Council Complaints Procedure

The complaints procedure details how the parish council will respond to all complaints.

Parish Council Information Protection Policy

The procedure for compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018

Parish Council Computer & Telephone misuse Policy

Information Security Incident Policy

Filming & reporting Policy

Privacy Notice

Bluntisham Parish Council have reviewed any notices our council supplies which include data collection.

Parish Council Equal Opportunities Policy

The procedure to ensure equal opportunities for all sectors of the community.

Parish Council Model Publication Scheme

The procedure for obtaining information under the Freedom of Information Act.

Parish Council Volunteers Policy

The procedure to ensure the health and safety of all volunteers working on behalf of Bluntisham Parish Council.

Memorial Asset Policy

The procedure for obtaining a bench/tree/planter in memory of a loved one.

Parish Council Disciplinary Policy

The procedure to encourage and maintain good relationships between the council and its employees.  The policy will be applied fairly, consistently and in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.

Parish Council Grievance Policy

The procedure to encourage and maintain good relationships between the council and its employees.  The policy will be applied fairly, consistently and in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.

Terms of Reference – Committees

The terms of reference for all sub committees – allotments, finance, staff management, planning