You may have seen the forecast of unsettled weather over the next few days with heavy rain and lightning affecting parts of the East and South East of England.
We are currently monitoring the weather closely and we are in regular contact with the Met Office as the forecast develops.
Our electricity network is built… Read the rest “UK Power Networks – Thunderstorms and Electricity Network Preparedness”
The Parish Council attended one day of the hearing of the Local Plan 2036 on 18th July and a summary of the actions is available below. New detail added 24.7.18 following correspondence from Inquiry Programme Office. Click here to access the summary and the update.
The hearing continues in September and further information will be… Read the rest “Local Plan 2036 – Examination Hearing Update”
The draft minutes from the parish council meeting held on Wednesday 4th July can now be viewed. Click here to access.
Anyone interested in becoming a parish councillor please contact the clerk.
Any questions regarding anything in the minutes please contact the clerk.… Read the rest “Draft minutes”