This committee has now been merged with the finance and parish council committees so no further meetings will be held. May 2019.
8th May
13th February
3rd December
19th September
4th June
23rd April
28th February
Due to bad weather this meeting was cancelled
12th February
Meeting cancelled due to insufficient numbers
11th December
2nd October
21st August
12th June
10th April
13th February
9th January
5th December
31st October
21st September
17th August
11th July
4th May – Meeting cancelled as no quorum
25th April – Meeting cancelled as no quorum
21st March – Meeting cancelled as no quorum
15th February
11th January
14th December
26 October
17 August
15 June
9 March
12 January
10 November
8 September
14 July
19 May
10 March
20 January
For earlier minutes and agendas please contact the clerk who will be happy to share these with you.