Annual Parish Meetings


8th May

Agenda / notes

Appendix 1 – Chairmans report

Appendix 2 – Feoffees report

Appendix 3 – Saywell Tillard Education Charity report

Appendix 4 – Saywell Church Causeway Charity report

Appendix 5 – Bluntisham 100 club report

Appendix 6 – Finance report

Appendix 7 – CCC report

Appendix 8 – HDC report


15th May

Agenda / notes

Appendix 1 – Chairmans report

Appendix 2 – Feoffees report

Appendix 3 – Saywell Tillard Education Charity report

Appendix 4 – Bluntisham 100 club report

Appendix 5 – Finance report


18th May

Agenda / notes

Appendix 1 – Feoffees report

Appendix 2 – Saywells Church Causeway, Blanch Prentice report

Appendix 3 – Bluntisham Saywells School Charity report

Appendix 4 – Bluntisham 100 club

Appendix 5 – Finance report

Appendix 6 – Heritage report

Appendix 7 – Chairmans report


5th May

Agenda / notes

Appendix 1 – Feoffees report

Appendix 2 – Chairmans report

Appendix 3 – Bluntisham Saywells School report & Accounts

Appendix 4 – Bluntisham 100 club

Appendix 5 – Finance report

Appendix 6 – Heritage report

Appendix 7 – HDC report

Appendix 8 – CCC report


11th May

Agenda / notes

Appendix 1 – Feoffees report

Appendix 2 – Saywell School charity report

Appendix 3 – Bluntisham 100 club

Appendix 4 – Chairman report

Appendix 5 – Finance report

Appendix 6 – Bluntisham Heritage Project report

Appendix 7 – HDC & CCC report


15th May

Agenda / notes 

Appendix 1 – Feoffees

Appendix 2– Saywells School Charity

Appendix 3 – Chairman’s report

Appendix 4 – Finance report

Appendix 5 – CCC Report from Cllr Criswell

Not received – Saywell Church Causeway

Not received – Blanche Prentice & St Thomas Charity


14th May

Agenda / notes

Appendix 1 – Feoffees

Appendix 2 – Saywell Church Causeway

Appendix 3 – Blanche Prentice & St Thomas Charity

Appendix 4 – Saywells School Charity

Appendix 5 – Chairman’s report


16th May

Agenda / notes

Appendix 1 – Feoffees

Appendix 2 – Church causeway

Appendix 3 – Blanch Prentice & St Thomas Charity

Appendix 4 – Saywells school

Appendix 5 – Chairman’s report

Appendix 6 – HDC Cllr Robin Carter

Appendix 7 – CCC Cllr Steve Criswell

Appendix 8 – Finance report


9 May

Agenda / Minutes

Feoffees Report

BCF Report

Saywells Church Reports

Saywell School Report

Saywell School Accounts

Chairman’s Report


11 May

Agenda / minutes


28 April

Agenda / minutes

For earlier minutes and agendas please contact the clerk, who will be happy to share these with you.