The agenda for the next HMC meeting is now available. Click here to access
The meeting is held in the village hall and starts at 8pm.
All welcome.… Read the rest “HMC Agenda”
The decision to reduce the speed limit along Rectory & Station Road in Bluntisham has been approved by CCC Highways. Click here to read the report which includes the concerns raised by residents on the change.
The change will be implemented at the completion of the works towards the end of March 2018.
Further details… Read the rest “30mph speed limit”
There will be an extraordinary parish council meeting on Monday 19th February to discuss planning applications. Updates on maintenance and planning in general will also be provided.
All welcome to attend and raise any concerns during the open forum. Click here to access the full agenda.… Read the rest “Extraordinary PC Meeting”
MEETING CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF NUMBERS. RE-SCHEDULED DATE TO FOLLOW ASAP. 12.2.18 The next HMC meeting is scheduled for Monday 12th February. The meeting will start at the later time of 8.30pm due to the extraordinary PC meeting being held from 8.00 – 8.30pm. Click here to access the agenda.
All welcome.… Read the rest “HMC Meeting”
Click here to view the article advising of the road closures to Needingworth Road, Bluntisham. The key dates are:
12, 14, 23 March
when the road will be closed overnight to passing traffic, local traffic will still be given access where possible.… Read the rest “Road Closure”