Local Plan – have your say……

Thank you to everyone who came to our open sessions this weekend.  As was mentioned at the sessions, these are proposed sites and in the words of Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC)  themselves: 

“The inclusion of a a site in this LAA does not in any way imply that planning permission would be granted.”  The most important thing is that you take the time to respond directly to HDC on the Local Plan consultation portal. 

To make comments  you need to have registered. In the top right hand corner of the portal introduction page there is an arrow in a box. If you click in there it will run you through the registration process. 

The link to portal is shared here: https://consult.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/kse/folder/1079

As there are a lot of documents shared on the portal, we have condensed the Land Availability Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal for the five sites in Bluntisham for you in pdf format.

Follow this link for the Bluntisham section of the Land Availability Assessment (LAA) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/c9geb0gt5wr6xgntqo4lp/Bluntisham-LAA.pdf?rlkey=skrfxaezodcn81valnu7q9531&dl=0

And follow this link for the Bluntisham section of the Site Appraisal Assessment (SAA) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pbig1c0qxi7n2stnvxvpb/Bluntisham-SAA-1.pdf?rlkey=o6f7drjpbf1tq4lk6aqp5ecpd&dl=0

Hopefully these will allow you to quickly access the information on Bluntisham. However, it’s important to understand the approach that HDC are taking whilst assessing all the sites submitted across the district. This is a link to the page on the portal that gives you the background to the process; https://consult.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/kse/event/38140/section/6374672

This stage of the consultation ends on November 27th 2024.  Please contact the clerk if you need more assistance with regard to submitting your comments. The Parish Council will be responding to the consultation. However the more people that have their say, the better.